House of Anubis Wiki
House of Anubis Wiki
Sarah Winsbrugge-Hennegouwen
3hetarmbandje 000
Sarah in episode five.
General Information
Gender: Female
Age: 85-87 (Deceased)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Light Green
Aliases: Saartje
Family & Friends
Family: Ewout Winsbrugge-Hennegouwen (Father)

Julia Winsbrugge-Hennegouwen (Mother)

Friends: Nienke Martens
Zeno Terpstra
Enemies: Victor Emanuel Roodenmaar Sr.
Series Information
First appearance: Season 1, Episode 3
Last appearance: Season 3, Episode 98
Portrayer: Pim Lambeau (Elderly)

Amber van der Sander (Young)

Other Versions: Sarah Winsbrügge-Westerling (German)

Sarah Frobisher-Smythe (English)

Sarah Winsbrugge-Hennegouwen is the Dutch and original version of Sarah Frobisher-Smythe. She used to live in the Anubis House, which was built in the early 1900s under the instructions of her father, Ewout Winsbrugge-Hennegouwen. After the passing of her parents, the house fell into the hands of Victor Jr's grandfather, who then passed it down from father to son.

The state turned it into a Boarding House a couple of years after the deaths of the Winsbrugge-Hennegouwen pair, with Victor Emanuel Roodenmaar Sr. becoming the caretaker.


(under construction)


Season 1[]

Sarah resides in the same retirement home that Nienke's grandmother recently moved into.

Nienke comes by for a visit one day and is given a tour of the place by her grandmother. When they are taking a walk in one of the halls and talking about how the nice paintings hanging on the walls make the place look less depressing, Nienke notices a particular one that she points out to her grandmother: a painting depicting the Anubis House.

Sarah suddenly appears next to Nienke and moves to stand in front of the painting. She looks at Nienke with a fond smile and tells her that it's her (Sarah's) painting. Nienke then responds that she lives in that house now, which turns Sarah's demeanor into a very serious one. Sarah then warns Nienke about the dangers in the Anubis House. That it is a dark house guarded by a big, black bird.

When Nienke is alone during one of her visits to the retirement home a few days later, Sarah gives her a locket that has a picture of a little girl inside it. She tells her to keep it safe, or else they will take it away. When Nienke tries to give the locket back, Sarah informs her that there is a treasure hidden inside the House, and that she has faith in Nienke's ability to find and return it to where it belongs.

The day after the hazing, Nienke returns to the attic to get her keys back that she accidentally left on the stairs. Instead of going back to school like she had planned, she decides to go further up and ends up in a room that has another small space hidden behind a double wall. In that secret room, she finds a painting of the same little girl as in the picture inside the locket.

Sarah is very confused and chases Nienke away on a later visit, telling her that she doesn't talk to strangers.

In episode twelve, Nienke brings Fabian along to visit her grandmother. When Fabian and her grandmother get to talking, she goes off to show Sarah one of the riddles she found in the House. When she gets to her room, Sarah is resting on her bed with her back to the door. Nienke stands quietly by the entrance, waiting for permission to come inside. When Sarah hears some rustling, she turns around, thinking it's one of the nurses.

When she sees that it's Nienke, she extends her arm out to her. But before Nienke can get a word out, Sarah speaks up and states that Nienke has been to the forbidden attic. Sarah begins to panic when a nurse arrives, grabs Nienke by her jacket, and pleads with her not to trust anyone and to watch out for the black bird. Nienke is startled and leaves immediately, followed by the nurse.

When Sarah is alone again, she turns back around and keeps murmuring, "You have been to the dark attic. Now there is no way back. Not ever."

(under construction)

Season 2[]

Sarah gets mentioned but does not appear in this season.

Season 3[]

Sarah frequently appears in Nienke's dreams during this season. She tells Nienke that she needs her help, that she needs to find the Teardrop Of Isis since it is the only means to save Noa. One night she takes Nienke to the basement and shows her the underground tunnels with tasks hidden behind the secret wall. Later, she informs Nienke about approaching danger.

When Nienke seems determined to quit the Club after the supposed death of Fabian, Sarah reappears in Nienke's dream. She stresses that Nienke must not give up, that the forces of evil are getting stronger, and that things are not always as they seem. A few nights later, she visits Nienke again and hands her a key—literally, the key to the Teardrop. Sarah explains to Nienke that the key 'can also withstand the sunlight', that Nienke has now become the Key Keeper, and that she must protect the bloodline of Amneris. Finally, she tells Nienke that it will be the last time that she will see her.

Season 4[]

Only mentioned, no appearance.


  • Just as in the English and German versions, she gave Nienke her locket.
  • In her locket, there was a picture of her when she was a kid.
  • Nienke visited her at her funeral.
  • Before she died, she visited her house (House of Anubis).
  • She appeared in Nienke's dream before she passed away.
  • The difference between Sarah in the English version is that Sarah Frobisher-Smythe is the previous Chosen One while Sara Winsbrugge-Hennegouwen in the Dutch version is not, like with Nienke and Nina Martin.
  • She was the Key Keeper before Nienke, meaning that she was tasked with protecting the bloodline of Amneris. That responsibility was handed over to her after the death of her father, who was the previous Key Keeper.